Elm Antenna Sock Standard Density - 6' L x 4' W
Elm Antenna Sock Standard Density - 6' L x 4' W
Part Number: 72ELM-XWSF
Type: Elm
Density: Standard
Length: 6'
Width: 4'
In Stock
Available for delivery.
Valmont antenna socks provide an excellent way to conceal antennas on mono-pine, mono-palm, mono-elm, and mono-eucalyptus towers.

Antenna socks are available in short (4’), standard (6’), and long (8’) lengths with standard (36”) or wide (48”) widths. The width of the sock includes front of antenna, plus the depth times two.

Antenna socks include attachment ties for installation. Custom sock sizes and colors are available upon request.

The foliage used on pine, elm and eucalyptus antenna socks is a realistic representation of naturally occurring foliage. They are UV resistant, and designed to stand up to the rigors of prolonged outdoor exposure. The palm “shadow” socks are made of UV resistant mesh.