24'' Grip Strut Ice Bridge Kits with Vertical T Brackets

24'' Ice Bridge Kits

24'' Grip-Span Ice Bridge Kits
With Vertical T - Brackets

Vertical T-Bracket trapeze requires no threaded rods, for easy installation.

Accepts 18 Snap-Ins and can be installed side by side for 36 runs.

Ice Bridge Kit includes three trapeze kits.

Complete Kit.

24'' Grip Strut Ice Bridge Kits with Vertical T Brackets
SKUSizePolesTrapeze# of Snap-In RunsWeightPrice
24'' x 10'3-1/2'' x 13'-4'' BurialVT-Brackets18421.00$1,895.00
24'' x 10'3-1/2'' x 18' BurialVT-Brackets18493.00$2,240.00
24'' x 10'3-1/2'' x 10' -6'' Base ShoeVT-Brackets18407.00$2,120.00