Customer Testimonials
Hear feedback directly from our customers.

A Word from Our Customers

Discover how our products and support have made a difference for customers like you through their feedback.

“I choose Site Pro 1 because of their fast delivery, and they have everything I need in stock. My order experience was excellent, and the product quality was exceptional.”

Ramon R.
Customer from CA

“Site Pro 1 always has what I need and products ship fast - please don’t change, keep doing what you are doing!”

Russell B.
Customer from Maryland

“We chose Site Pro 1 for their immediate stock availability and were thoroughly impressed with the smooth and efficient order experience that exceeded our expectations.”

Donald L.
Customer from Pennsylvania

“Customer service was top tier - the Site Pro 1 staff was friendly and responded quickly to take care of my order!”

Becky M.
Customer from Indiana

“My shopping experience with Site Pro 1 was significantly better than competitor sites. I chose Site Pro 1 because of the exceptional product selection and availability.”

Stephen L.
Customer from Colorado

“I had an excellent order experience. Checkout was quick and easy, and my order arrived promptly.”

Cary L.
Customer from Florida

“Site Pro 1 has the best website of any company in our industry. The layout and ease of searching for materials, drawings, and pricing is above and beyond all I have seen. It’s simply the best.”

Stuart P.
Customer from Virginia

“We have nothing but great experiences working with Site Pro 1. The customer service team is nothing short of amazing! They consistently provide fast turnaround times, ensuring we receive our products the very next day.”

Tammy P.
Customer from New York

“I have been a Site Pro 1 customer for several years, I have always had an excellent order experience and the product quality is outstanding.”

Rick E.
Customer from Texas

“Anytime I have been in a spot where I needed a part and I needed it fast Valmont has come through.”

Jeff C.
Customer from Michigan

“Diane consistently offers only the most prompt, professional and accurate of service despite the constantly fluctuating material demands that myself and my company places on her. She has proven herself a valuable partner to us.”

Lee M.
Customer from Massachusetts

“I have been involved in cell tower construction for 16 years, and you will be hard pressed to find a better organization than Site Pro for your tower material needs. Consistent and accurate every time.”

Customer from Georgia

“If I am ever in need of any materials, Site Pro is always there with what I need in stock. If I ever have a question on a product, Site Pro is who I call first.”

Customer from Texas

“We appreciate the service you provide. We can’t tell you how much we appreciate the availability of stock you have. Site Pro has not let us down and definitely makes our jobs easier. We never have any issues with our orders and we look forward to continuing our business with you.”

Customer from Georgia

“This group of people as whole go the extra mile to make the day to day ordering of material a breeze. I personally have been dealing with Site Pro for the past 3 years and have no issues that were left unresolved.”

Customer from Alabama

“Being a project manager for 13 years, I have seen companies come and go as far as supplying materials for our client’s needs. One staple has been the relationship that our company has with Site-pro and Valmont. They are economical and fast. They are the first ones we call when we have a need for tower steel. We don’t have to make a second call.”

Customer from South Carolina

“Over the years I have utilized numerous suppliers. I have cultivated relationships with crews in the trenches, the carriers, the owners, and our supply vendors. Of all the suppliers I use; Valmont/SitePro1 turns a quote within 3-4 hours of a request, which in turn allows me the time I need to quote a project, win that project, place our order and have onsite or in our warehouse within 24 to 48 hours. Hats Off for the speed, quality and personal service, I am a fan and will continue to use Valmont/SitePro1 for our customers satisfaction.”

Customer from Florida

“I have to take the time to thank you for your quick and courteous service. All materials were correct, delivered on time and the price was fair. Job well done, have a great day!”

Bob A.
Customer from Massachusetts

“We anticipate doubling or tripling our business with Site Pro 1. While others are trying to get our business no one gets it out like you do and no one is easier to deal with.”

Customer from Nebraska

“The grade established had a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest attainable grade. According to our purchasing process, the grade attained by Site Pro 1 was 5.0.”

Angela C.
Customer from Columbia

“I choose Site Pro 1 because they provide an excellent order experience and quality products that are available immediately!”

Michael S.
Customer from New York

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